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Health & Safety


The aims of St Mary’s University College policy are:

  • to promote standards of safety, health and welfare which comply fully with the terms and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 and all other relevant statutory provisions and Approved Codes of Practice;
  • to maintain a Health and Safety Management System that meets the requirements of the OHSAS 18001 safety standard;
  • to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workplace, safe systems and methods of work, and to protect all staff, students and others, including members of the public, from foreseeable risk arising out of the St Mary’s University College work;
  • to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all staff and students with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare;
  • to provide all staff with the information, instruction, training and supervision required for them to work safely and without risk to their health;
  • to develop safety awareness among all staff and students and in particular, individual responsibility for health and safety at all levels;
  • to encourage full and effective consultation on health and safety matters.