BA (Hons) Liberal Arts
3 years, Full-Time
£4,750 per year (NI & ROI)
£9,250 per year (England, Scotland & Wales)
£20,800 per year (EU Other & International)
Queen’s University, Belfast – Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Innovative thinking
This contemporary degree is designed to promote the growth of the whole person by encouraging ethical values, personal integrity and a sense of responsibility towards the needs of society (Human Development Studies). It will give a breadth of knowledge of the workings of the modern world, in particular our own island of Ireland and its neighbours in Europe (International Studies).
A key feature of the programme is its focus on skills development leading to work placements in the second and third year (Work Related Learning), integrated with a strong focus on career and personal development. A Liberal Arts degree does not try to prepare a person for one specific discipline or profession, but it seeks to develop the values, attributes, skills and expertise that equip students for further development in any professional context.
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“St Mary’s is a warm, welcoming environment and all of the staff are friendly and approachable.”
Caitlin Haddock
What are the components of the degree?
Human Development Studies
Human Development Studies develops those skills characteristic of the educated person including intellectual skills, communication skills and skills of leadership and application in the workplace. The focus of study is on the human condition, with particular reference to the world of work and learning. Students will engage with contemporary thought – especially justice issues and conflict studies – ethical questions and economic matters. The aim of HDS is to ground the student with a sense of understanding and with values for principled living in the contemporary world.
International Studies
International Studies introduces students to a broad range of academic fields that complement and support one another in the study of international relations and the global economy. Using a wide range of Humanities and Social Science perspectives, Europe will be explored as a context for Ireland’s cultural and economic development. Modules cover areas of study such as European integration, borders, migration, climate awareness, political and economic culture and international development.
Skills and Work Placement
Skills and Work placement extend the learning environment from the classroom to the workplace through opportunities for work-based learning. It is this combination which distinguishes this degree and makes it an innovative venture in Liberal Arts education. In this way the Liberal Arts tradition demonstrates its vitality and relevance at the start of a new century.
Subject Studies
It has been a traditional feature of Higher Education that students delve deeply into a chosen discipline not only to increase their knowledge within that particular field but to develop their intellectual skills for study, synthesis and communication. Each student choses an academic subject on application to the programme.

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How to Apply
Undergraduate Admissions are made directly to the college rather than through UCAS.
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