Course Title
Master of Science in PE & Sport for Young People
1 year, Full-Time
£7,300.00 per year (NI & ROI),
£9,250.00 per year (England, Scotland & Wales),
£21,500 per year (EU Other & International)
Academic Year
Awarding University and Degree Title
Queen’s University, Belfast – Master of Science
Inspire children through sport
This MSc programme seeks to provide advanced learning opportunities for graduates in the field of Physical Education and sport for young people.
- The aim is to improve the lives of children and young people through sport
- PE & sport have been recognised as key contributors to the well-being of children in terms of mental, physical and social health.
- This programme supports the Sport NI strategy which states “We are passionate about maximising the power of sport to change lives. By 2025, we want the power of sport to be recognised and valued by all”
- It comprises a suite of vocationally-oriented taught modules as well as a research-based project.

What are the aims of the programme?
- To critically engage students in the pursuit of meeting the needs of children and
young people through PE and sport in NI while reflecting on their own professional
development for employability and career enhancement. - To promote in our students the professionalism, knowledge, understanding,
leadership and pedagogical skills indispensable for the achievement of the best
practice in the service of children and young people through PE and sport. - To empower students to reflect on and critically analyse, using a range of applied
scientific approaches, rapidly emerging challenges to contemporary society, education
and community sport, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to children and
young people, and evolve new strategies to overcome these challenges. - To utilise their advanced knowledge and understanding of working with and for
children and young people in PE and sport to deal with complex issues systematically
and creatively, identify and overcome barriers, and solve problems and communicate
their conclusions clearly. - To develop originality in the application of knowledge together with a practical
understanding/application of applied scientific methods and research skills necessary
to create and interpret knowledge in PE and sport for young people. - To support a culture of self-reflective study, critical inquiry and scholarship through
workshops, practical classes and lectures to enhance preparation, planning and
practical skills. - To educate participants in knowledge transfer strategies and enhance their awareness
of networks for disseminating new knowledge. - To further develop their key and vocational relevant skills and independent learning
ability required for continuing professional and personal development through
professional practice in working in PE and sport for young people. - To enhance skills in gathering and providing evidence, the application of appropriate
scientific methodologies for analysis, and engaging in the submission of evidence and
analytical review in a supportive and critical framework of their work in leading change. - To seek opportunities to achieve greater recognition of their work in PE and sport
for young people in the form of publications, leading innovation and change among
practitioners in their work setting and advanced qualifications at Masters level.

Download our Prospectus
Find out more by downloading our prospectus
Student Experience
How to apply
Students interested in the full time MSc in Physical Education & Sport for Young People are invited to complete the online application.
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