Discover student life at St Mary’s University College
At St Mary’s, we are committed to our mission of supporting students to achieve the very best they can. Our relatively small size and close-knit community is a fundamental feature of student life.

Be ready to experience a rewarding and fulfilling student life
We aim to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment that enables students to interact, share experiences and support each other freely and cohesively.
Drawing on our long history of educational success, our focus is on enhancing the skills, and developing the knowledge and understanding, that can help you achieve your personal and career aspirations.
Values are a fundamental component of a St Mary’s education, providing an ethical framework to determine priorities and guide decisions in your life.

Why choose St Mary’s?
We are a small institution in terms of campus size and student population: this facilitates excellent student-staff working relationships and a friendly learning community. Nevertheless our size does not limit our ambition, and our campus modernisation strategy has just delivered new facilities including a state-of-the-art Library, Dining Hall and Student Services Centre, and a high-class auditorium is under construction.

Supporting you
We respect and value the diversity and individuality of our student community. We understand that our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Our goal is to support and help you thrive as a St Mary’s student.
Throughout your studies with us, you will have access to academic, administrative, and pastoral staff who will collaborate with you to achieve this goal.

Students’ Union
The Students’ Union is your voice within the College.
It represents students and provides welfare assistance, academic representation, financial advice, development opportunities, and more. The union is here to support you every step of the way, providing a range of services to help you succeed.
Student Clubs
We have a range of clubs and societies encompassing sports, to the Trad Music Society, to many other interests such as the History Society. If a club that matches your interests doesn’t exist, we can help you set one up!
Student Awards
At St Mary’s we believe in celebrating student success and during our Commencement ceremonies we take the opportunity to recognise both academic achievements and contribution to student life.
The Student Services Centre
The Student Services Centre is a very important part of the college community. It is located in a purpose-built space, and offers you assistance in a wide range of areas of college life. These include academic challenges, accommodation and health-related matters. It operates to a philosophy of “Let’s Talk”, as in doing so it is often the case that problems can be resolved at an early stage.

Health Service
A College Health Service is provided by a local GP surgery which is located at the main College entrance. One GP has a particular interest in sports injuries while another specialises in issues relating to women’s health. Both doctors have long experience in dealing with student health matters.
Careers Service
Our Careers Service provides career planning and job search resources as well as informing you about employment and further training opportunities to suit your requirements. This service is an important component of our pastoral and professional support for students. It is located within the Student Services Centre.
Student Counselling
Anxiety, emotional problems and stress can affect any of us at any time. The loss of a relationship, poor health, assessment worries or study problems can affect our mental health. Study and academic progress may be directly affected as a result. We provide a range of counselling services to support our students.
Accommodation Advice
St Mary’s provides well-informed direction on the various accommodation options that are available in Belfast.

The College is located in the diverse, friendly, and vibrant city of Belfast
Join us for an Open Day
Explore the campus and meet the students and lecturers to experience first-hand the quality of education St Mary’s can offer.
View upcoming open days