St Mary’s University College has an Institutional Plan, Strategy 21, which sets out an ‘Agenda for Sustainability’ in a period of uncertainty at the regional, national and international levels.
The plan has eight strategic aims for development:
To commemorate, communicate and promote an explicit institutional identity reflective of a Catholic university college that demonstrates a responsibility to contribute to the common good.
Academic Profile and Positioning
To offer high-quality and distinctive educational provision that equips students with twenty-first-century competencies and skills.
Student Life
To provide an excellent, holistic student experience of higher education characterised by a high level of pastoral care, guidance, and support.
To work in partnership with our stakeholders through collaboration and the sharing of expertise, resources, and skills and to demonstrate a material sense of civic responsibility.
Financial Viability
To preserve the financial strength of the College to enable it to be mission effective.
Estates and Campus Development
To ensure that the campus is a safe and intellectually stimulating place with excellent facilities for students, staff and external user groups.
Community of Staff
To recruit, retain and develop staff to contribute to the College’s mission in a friendly, inclusive, and productive work environment emphasising equality of opportunity.
Good Governance
To have arrangements for Governance that are effective and efficient, consensus-orientated, inclusive and responsive to the needs of the College community and society at large.