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BEd Primary (Hons) with Science

Course Title

BEd (Hons) Primary


4 years, Full-Time


£4,750 per year (NI & ROI)
£9,250 per year (England, Scotland & Wales)
£20,800 per year (EU Other & International)

Academic Year


Accreditation (and External Body Recognition)

Department of Education, Northern Ireland (DENI), General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI)

Awarding University and Degree Title

Queen’s University, Belfast – Bachelor of Education (Hons)

Inspire and develop

The programme aims to prepare teachers who have:

a vocation to care for children and a sensitivity towards their needs
an enthusiasm for teaching and a commitment to the educative process;
a belief in the promotion of equal opportunities, recognising differences occasioned by race, religion, sex, class or disability and the need to adopt non-discriminatory practices in all these respects;
a willingness to learn and an openness to change and innovation;
a lively mind and a range of cultural and other interests.


Students will also gain practical experience in a range of school environments and the opportunity to study abroad. For those students wishing to pursue a career in Irish Medium Education, the programme also allows for study through the Irish language and placement in Irish medium settings. As an addition to the programme, students may also study for the St Mary’s Certificate in Religious Education.

St Marys College entrance steps with flower bed below

“St Mary’s is a warm, welcoming environment and all of the staff are friendly and approachable.”

Caitlin Haddock

What are the components of the degree?

For BEd Primary students, the following elements are studied in each of the four years of the programme:

  • Education Studies
  • Key Skills (Literacy, Numeracy and Using ICT)
  • Professional Development and School Experience

Curriculum Studies is undertaken for three of the four years.

Subject Study (including how to teach the subject) is undertaken for the first three years.

All BEd Primary students have the option of an Irish-medium focus within the programme.

Collectively, the range of learning experiences provided enables students to develop attributes and perspectives that will equip them for life as a professional teacher, whilst also enhancing their development as independent, lifelong learners.

student taking notes

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How to Apply

Undergraduate Admissions are made directly to the college rather than through UCAS.

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