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St Marys students visit to Lisbon


With over thirty university partners across Europe, and just as many years of exchange experience, St Mary’s has student and staff opportunities covering a wide variety of aspects of higher education.


With partners in Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Warsaw, Lviv and many other cities and towns across the continent, we offer a wide range of supported opportunities, programmes and placements.


We encourage our students to avail of both the long-term and short-term programmes, and facilitate mobility with supporting grants and ongoing pastoral support. European partnerships remain central to the internationalization strategy of the College.

International Student Mobility


  • All undergraduate students at St Mary’s can apply for a placement at a university in Europe during the second semester of their second year of study. 
  • We also offer a number of short-term mobility programmes for students to go on various intensive programmes, study visits or to attend partner summer schools.
  • For incoming students from our European partners, we are pleased to enrol international students at St Mary’s through the Erasmus Plus programme, the Swiss SEMP Programme and other inter-institutional arrangements (for conferences, research or short information and study visits).
St Mary’s students enjoying the Lisbon sights as part of their study abroad programme

Trvana Slovakia students created a video of their visit to St Mary’s, Belfast and Ireland

Video preview of Giants Causeway