Catholic Schools Trustee Service Conference
The Catholic Schools Trustee Service today held the first of four sessions to introduce schools to their Relationships and Sexuality Education online training resource. This resource has been developed following consultation with, and the participation of, Catholic schools from across N. Ireland. The resource is designed to be used by schools as part of their ongoing development of RSE. Fintan Murphy of CSTS stated, “The development of the RSE training resource is the next phase in the Trustees support for schools and was developed in collaboration with schools. We would particularly like to thank those school representatives who have worked on the development of the resource since June 2023 and acknowledge the schools who have agreed to participate in the video element of the project where School leaders, staff, Governors, parents and students share their schools RSE experience. We hope that the contribution of all will benefit the whole family of Catholic schools and result in a further enhancement of the good work our schools already do to address RSE. CSTS is very grateful to have been able to avail of the excellent facilities of St Mary’s University College today to deliver the training.”
Today the first 88 representatives of schools took part in the training and over the next few weeks a further three sessions will see around 250 schools in total take part in the training
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