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Subject Study – English

Study of English enhances the intellectual formation of the student teacher and facilitates the development of their curriculum leadership capacity.  

English considers the three main literary genres of poetry, prose and drama in the context of their historical development. The first year module introduces students to the history of western literature and ideas from the ancient world up to Milton. The great authors of the 19th century are the focus of year two. In third year, twentieth century literature is the focus, with special emphasis placed on Anglo-Irish literature. 

Subject application classes give students both a practical and a theoretical basis for understanding how best to teach language and literature in the classroom. 

‘Knowledge about Language’ focuses on aspects of language, rhetoric and grammar to ensure that students have a knowledgeable approach to their use of language in both academic and professional contexts. 

Lecturer in a class of BEd Primary students

Education Studies

This aspect of the programme enables the development of the professional knowledge and understanding underpinning successful teaching. The modules address a wide range of topics such as: philosophical perspectives on learning and teaching; child development and psychology; the curriculum in schools; Safeguarding and Children’s Rights; the social aspects of schooling; principles of effective teaching and learning; issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion; and the education of children who experience Special Educational Needs.

Professional Development and School Experience

This element helps students connect theories with real-life experiences by encouraging them to think about and learn from what they do. Each year, students are asked to demonstrate increasing levels of proficiency in the classroom in line with the GTCNI teaching competence framework. Students are provided with opportunities to teach children of varying ages and abilities in a range of different contexts. There are also opportunities for students to choose options through which they may gain experience of teaching in the nursery and/or special school sectors. Students must be successful in School Experience each year in order to proceed to the next stage of the course.

Key Skills

There is a strong emphasis across the BEd Programme on the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, and Using ICT, along with the practical application and development of these areas to practice during School Experience.

Curriculum Studies

Modules within this strand of the programme involve the study of teaching strategies and modes of learning for all areas of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

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How to Apply

Undergraduate Admissions are made directly to the college rather than through UCAS.

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