My experience in St. Mary’s was second to none, I was fortunate enough to get involved with a lot of the sports teams during my year as VP where I developed my knowledge of managing and coaching the teams as well as meeting new people and making lifelong friends. As a Liberal Arts student I was lucky enough to get out on work experience in both a school and business environment which will stand by me in later life. Everyone in the college, students and staff, are willing to help you succeed and it creates a positive atmosphere in the college and pushes you to do your very best in all aspects of college life.
Tá traidisiún fada rathúil i dteagasc na Gaeilge i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire le corradh le céad bliain. Ba é an tAthair Gearóid Ó Nualláin, scríbhneoir agus scoláire Ceiltise, a ceapadh ina Ollamh le Gaeilge de chéaduair thiar sa bhliain 1902. Bhí Pádraig Mac Piarais agus Eoin Mac Néill, beirt a d’fhág a lorg go buan ar stair na tíre seo, ar na daoine ba mhó a spreag údaráis an Choláiste leis an Ghaeilge a chur ar an chlár teagaisc an chéad lá riamh. Is ag cur le cuspóirí agus le barrshamhailteacha na gceannródaithe sin atáimid ó shin agus is mór an t-údar bróid agus misnigh againn an chomaoin a d’fhág mic léinn agus léachtóirí an Choláiste seo ar phobal Gaeilge na tíre seo dá réir. Sa bhreis ar na ranganna teanga agus litríochta a thugtar do mhic léinn uile Roinn na Gaeilge, tugtar ranganna ar leith do mhic léinn na saorealaíon ina ndírítear ar an scríbhneoireacht agus ar an chur i láthair a chleachtann iriseoirí agus iad siúd atá fostaithe in earnáil na meán cumarsáide. Is cuid lárnach den chéim sna saorealaíona í an tréimhse a chaitear ar thaithí oibre (Work-related learning) agus is minic a chaitheann ár gcuid mac léinn tréimhsí ag obair le nuachtáin, le comhlachtaí teilifíse agus leis an raidió chomh maith le heagrais eile Ghaeilge.

Students take the equivalent of six modules per year. Modules in Human Development Studies and International Studies are core modules taken by all Liberal Arts students. Students also take modules in their chosen subject area.
Year 1
The Year 1 core modules introduce the student to the key areas of Human Development Studies and International Studies. They make use of a range of disciplinary approaches to address foundational questions:
• | What are we and how have we come to this human condition we experience today? | |
• | How can we think about human living and working in contemporary society and employment? | |
• | What are the various concepts that shape our understanding of our place in the world? | |
• | How are we to live in the many contexts which ‘Europe’ represents? |
Students are offered the opportunity to enhance key skills in communication and study for both academic and professional life, and to explore the various environments for future employment.
Year 2
The Year 2 modules continue to explore Human Development by focusing on issues of Global Justice, with the aim of enhancing the students’ civic awareness and commitment to ethical practice. In International Studies, students make use of a range of disciplines to explore the rich cultural heritage and current diversity which characterises the European experiences. They also become more knowledgeable and proficient in the political and economic development of contemporary Europe.
Students are offered further opportunity to expand their key skills for both academic and professional life. They undertake a short work placement of six weeks in the second semester. The aim of such a placement is twofold: to enable the student to develop in practice the skills, attributes and values for professional life, and to develop the self-reflective skills that mark the ‘reflective practitioner’ who is able to self-evaluate and critically review the work context.
Year 3
All students take a core module of 40 credits (Liberal Arts: Work related learning) that continues their exploration of key themes of Human Development Studies, and includes a final year work placement of six weeks in the second semester. The module explores topical issues from both an ethical and a professional dimension in lectures while the placement allows students opportunity to engage with such issues in the workplace setting. During the six-week placement, the student continues to extend skills development as in the second year.
Students are able to choose modules amounting to 40 credits from a range of offerings in Human Development Studies, International Studies and their subject area. They also continue advanced studies in their subject area with modules worth a further 40 credits
Topics covered in Irish include:
• | studies in the grammar of Irish | |
• | study of poetry and prose of modern Irish literature | |
• | development of linguistic fluency and phonetic accuracy in oral Irish | |
• | introduction to the concept and content of Cultural Heritage. |
Topics covered in Irish include:
• | studies in the grammar of Irish through practice of translation and essay-writing skills | |
• | study of poetry and drama of 20th century Irish literature | |
• | development of linguistic fluency and phonetic accuracy in oral Irish | |
• | introduction to the concept and content of Cultural Heritage. |
Topics covered in Irish include:
• | studies in the grammar of Irish through practice of translation and essay-writing skills | |
• | development of linguistic fluency and phonetic accuracy in oral Irish | |
• | use of Irish in vocational contexts | |
• | study of 18th century Irish poetry | |
• | study of 20th century Irish prose literature, particularly the novel | |
• | study of contemporary Irish dialects |

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